Driven by German Design
The exhibition "Driven by German Design" in Doha shows many-faceted relations surrounding German Design since 1945: the links between design thinking and cultural foundations, the close ties between engineering and design, as well as the interactions between those making and those using design. The wide-ranging exhibition was curated by Martin Roth and takes place as part of the Qatar Germany 2017 'Year of Culture' under the auspices of the German Embassy in Doha and the Goethe-Institut Gulf Region.
Driven by German Design highlights the phenomena of composition and design in Germany and their international relevance from a variety of perspectives and in historical and contemporary contexts. The exhibition illuminates the connections between methodical work, creativity and the cultural background of German designers. It wants to bring the past and present of German design to life by means of objects ranging from automotive, product and graphic design, to architecture, furniture and fashion.
The exhibition conveys the topics in two areas, which refer to each other in terms of content: The Design Lab focuses on the designin gprocess. Every step from the very first idea to the final production of a designed object can be retraced. The Design Lab offers the opportunity to experience the process of designing: It shows the intermediates along the way and presents interactive exhibits. The presentation in the Design Lab is configured around the exhibits. These are presented in an area made up of more than 1,000 mounted pins, which is calculated by a computer algorithm according to the principle of parametric modelling. Based on the algorithm’s calculations, the area reacts topographically to the size and shape of the exhibits, thereby integrating them with one another and establishing relationships between them. This puts the emphasis on the exhibition pieces themselves and takes the focus away from the display.
Five Period Rooms trace the development of German design from 1945 to the present day. They are a journey through time and allow for a step into the intertwined evolution of zeitgeist and design. The exhibits in the Period Rooms are connected by continuous large-scale film projections that fill the spaces. These films feature designers as protagonists and give them the opportunity to talk about their work. The interplay between design, social demands and historical developments becomes a potent emotional experience through the combination of historical exhibits and the surrounding media.
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+49 711 5503750
jn jangled nerves gmbh
hallstrasse 25
de-70376 stuttgart
+86 21 34306800
jangled nerves china
no. 2007 hongmei road
xuhui district, shanghai